Economic Complexity in the Ancient Near East. Management of Resources and Taxation (Third – Second Millennium BC)
edited by Jana Mynářová and Sergio Alivernini
Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Arts 2020
ISBN: 978-80-7308-991-7
Hardcover, 471 pages
The spread of cuneiform writing from its Mesopotamian heartland to the peripheries during the second half of the third, and especially in the second millennium BC, represents an important historical and cultural phenomenon. From the beginning of the second millennium BC, cuneiform writing became the privileged means through which the administrations of these “peripheral” centers recorded economic transactions. These documents (taxes, rations, sales, etc.) shed fascinating light on the economic system in these regions. Thousands of administrative documents allow us to follow the process of the development of economic thought that, starting from Mesopotamia, was taken and adapted to specific administrative realities throughout the wider regions of the Ancient Near East. The 19 essays collected here elucidate the emergence, transmission, and interaction of economic structures and the management of resources in time and space. Through a diachronic study, the volume identifies similarities, differences, and adaptations in the economic management of resources and taxation in the ancient Near East (Third – Second millennium BC)
Contents (in .pdf)
A Stranger in the House – the Crossroads III. Proceedings of an International Conference on Foreigners in Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern Societies of the Bronze Age held in Prague, September 10-13, 2018
Mynářová, Jana – Kilani, Marwan – Alivernini, Sergio (eds.)
Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Arts, 2019
ISBN: 978-80-7308-928-3
Hardcover, 435 pages