Vážené kolegyně a kolegové, dovolte mi, abych Vás touto cestou pozvala na přednášku prof. Cale Johnsona (Institut für Wissensgeschichte des Altertums, FU Berlin), věnovanou počátkům klínového písma. Přednáška se uskuteční v úterý 8. října od 9:10 (v rámci přednášky Akkadský jazyk I) v místnosti C136.
Vessels, virtual vessels and diacrisis: The origin of cuneiform writing in Mesopotamia
The history of cuneiform writing is, unfortunately, deeply tainted by an alphabetic mindset that would not come into existence until the 2nd millennium BCE. In this class, we will look instead at how the actual origin of cuneiform writing took place. This origin story goes back several millennia before the invention of cuneiform at around 3300 BCE, but after quickly surveying these precursors, we will mostly focus on how the proto-cuneiform phase of cuneiform writing flowered into a notational system that was capable of operating in numerous different economic and administrative domains. We will also debunk several false theories of the origin of cuneiform writing and highlight the one methodology that has been successfully used to understand what is happening in these clay tablets.
prof. PhDr. Jana Mynářová, Ph.D.