We are pleased to announce the programme of the international conference Crossroads IV – that will take place in Prague on September 19-22, 2022.
Although the programme is already closed, we have the opportunity to welcome other guests. So if you are interested in attending the conference, please contact the organizing committee at jana.mynarova@ff.cuni.cz
Crossroads IV – Migration and Mobility in the Ancient Near East and Egypt
September 19-22, 2022, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Preliminary Programme (as of August 8, 2022)
Venue: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, nám. J. Palacha 2, 116 38
Prague 1, Czech Republic
Monday, September 19
9:30-10:00 Opening session
10:00-11:00 Keynote 1: Ellen Morris, Telling Moving Tales of Women in Contested Lands: Musings and Methodologies
11:00-12:00 Keynote 2: Paul Delnero, Going to Heaven, Hell, and Egypt: Travelling in and the Travel of Mesopotamian Myths to Amarna
Session 1
14:00-14:30 Steven Garfinkle, Mobile Patronage: Amorite Spatial and Social Mobility under the Third Dynasty of Ur
14:30-15:00 Clemens Reichel, Outsiders and Insiders: the Complex Place of Amorites in the State of Eshnunna
Session 2
15:30-16:00 Seth Richardson, Individual Mobility & Mass Migration in the Ancient Near East: Mesopotamian Cases, General Models
16:00-16:30 Kevin McGeough, Bronze Age Migration, Mobility, Diffusion, and Culture History: How Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Concepts of Nationalism, Race, Ethnicity, and Borders Have Contributed to Our Vision of the Bronze Age
Tuesday, September 20
Session 3
9:00-9:30 Federico Giusfredi, Some Observations on Hurrian and the Hurrians in the Middle Bronze Age and in Early Hatti
9:30-10:00 Yoram Cohen – Eduardo Torrecilla, Shepherds, Armies and Prisoners of War in LBA Hittite Syria
10:00-10:30 Jana Mynářová, Crossing Borders, Reaching Limits in the LBA Levant
Session 4
11:00-11:30 Susan Cohen, Mobility of borders and boundaries in the Middle Bronze Age southern Levant
11:30-12:00 Jacob Lauinger, Movements of Persons and Populations at Middle and Late Bronze Age Alalah
12:00-12:30 Andrew Burlingame,“To the King, My Master”: Epistolary Evidence for Ugaritian Administrators and Officials Abroad
Session 5
14:00-14:30 Katrien De Graef, Susa Between Two Worlds. On the Construction, Evolution and Expression of an Elamo-Akkadian Borderland Identity
14:30-15:00 Anne Goddeeris, In Service of God and King. The status of the lu2-šud3-de3 lugal-la/kāribu in second millennium Babylonia
Wednesday, September 21
Session 6
9:30-10:00 Gaëlle Chantrain, “Like a son to me”: the household metaphor as marker of hierarchical relationships between Egyptians and foreigners in Egyptian tales
10:00-10:30 Marwan Kilani, Beyond ethnicity: Levantine foreign identities in New Kingdom official texts
10:30-11:00 Danielle Candelora,“Oh Palm Tree … Stag of the Lands:” Tree Cults, Immigration, and Religious Adaptation between the Near East and Egypt
Session 7
11:00-11:30 Federico Zangani, The City of Amarna and Its Society in a Global Historical Perspective
11:30-12:00 Ann-Kathrin Jeske, Translation of Egyptian domestic income revenue strategies into the southern Levant
12:00-12:30 Uroš Matić, All aboard? Multispecies perspective on Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Sea and Riverine Voyages
Session 8
14:00-14:30 Aleksandra Ksiezak, Gateway into the Desert – Wadi Tumilat (Eastern Nile Delta) as a trade corridor between Egypt and the Levant via the Sinai Peninsula
14:30-15:00 Sandra Veprauskiene, Establishment of the Western Frontier: A Study of the Enactment Practices in the Middle Kingdom Dakhla Oasis
15:00-15:30 Ella Karev, The “Door to the South”: The Persistence of the Elephantine Border as an Ideological Concept
Session 9
16:00-16:30 Aaron de Souza, Material/Culture: Objects blurring the boundaries between Egyptian’ and ‘Nubian’ in zones of contact
16:30-17:00 Marie-Kristin Schröder, Migration and mobility in the Archaeological Record of the C-Group Between Egypt and Kerma
Thursday, September 22
Session 10
9:00-9:30 Ludovica Bertolini, Crossing life stages: dressing, undressing, and changing clothes as navigating through life
9:30-10:00 Adam Miglio, Integration and Alienation: The Motif of Animals’ (Im)Mobility in the Gilgamesh Epic
10:00-10:30 Aaron A. Burke, Creating Crisis: Empire and Forced Migration at the End of the Bronze Age
Session 11
11:00-11:30 Assaf Yasur-Landau, Modeling Mobility as Multi Scalar Phenomena
11:30-12:00 Felix Höflmayer – Katharina Streit, Intricate Identities: aDNA, stable isotopes, nonmetric hereditary markers and their (mis)use in archaeological discourse
12:00-12:30 Jacob C. Damm, Pottery as Practice: Multi-level Social Analyses of Egyptian-Style Ceramics in the Late Bronze Age Southern Levant
Session 12
14:00-14:30 Eliot Braun – Marcin Czarnowicz, A Colony or Something Else? Egyptians in the southern Levant at the End of the Fourth Millennium
14:30-15:00 Haskel J. Greenfield et al., Urban provisioning and mobility of animal resources in the Early Bronze Age: a view from Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel
15:00-15:30 Rouhollah Y. Zoshk et al., Mobility of People and Ideas in the Iranian Central Plateau; The Late Fourth Millennium Meymanat Abad Tepe in its regional context
15:30-16:00 Closing session
The conference is supported by the European Regional Development Fund project “Creativity and Adaptability as Conditions of the Success of Europe in an Interrelated World” (No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000734).