Crossroads IV – Migration and Mobility in the Ancient Near East and Egypt – Preliminary Programme

We are pleased to announce the programme of the international conference Crossroads IV –  that will take place in Prague on September 19-22, 2022.

Although the programme is already closed, we have the opportunity to welcome other guests. So if you are interested in attending the conference, please contact the organizing committee at

Crossroads IV – Migration and Mobility in the Ancient Near East and Egypt
September 19-22, 2022, Faculty of Arts, Charles University

Preliminary Programme (as of August 8, 2022)
Venue: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, nám. J. Palacha 2, 116 38
Prague 1, Czech Republic

Monday, September 19
9:30-10:00      Opening session

10:00-11:00    Keynote 1: Ellen Morris, Telling Moving Tales of Women in Contested Lands: Musings and Methodologies

11:00-12:00    Keynote 2: Paul Delnero, Going to Heaven, Hell, and Egypt: Travelling in and the Travel of Mesopotamian Myths to Amarna

Session 1
14:00-14:30   Steven Garfinkle, Mobile Patronage: Amorite Spatial and Social Mobility under the Third Dynasty of Ur

14:30-15:00   Clemens Reichel, Outsiders and Insiders: the Complex Place of Amorites in the State of Eshnunna

Session 2
15:30-16:00    Seth Richardson, Individual Mobility & Mass Migration in the Ancient Near East: Mesopotamian Cases, General Models

16:00-16:30    Kevin McGeough, Bronze Age Migration, Mobility, Diffusion, and Culture History: How Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Concepts of Nationalism, Race, Ethnicity, and Borders Have Contributed to Our Vision of the Bronze Age

Tuesday, September 20
Session 3
9:00-9:30        Federico Giusfredi, Some Observations on Hurrian and the Hurrians in the Middle Bronze Age and in Early Hatti

9:30-10:00      Yoram Cohen – Eduardo Torrecilla, Shepherds, Armies and Prisoners of War in LBA Hittite Syria

10:00-10:30    Jana Mynářová, Crossing Borders, Reaching Limits in the LBA Levant

Session 4
11:00-11:30    Susan Cohen, Mobility of borders and boundaries in the Middle Bronze Age southern Levant

11:30-12:00    Jacob Lauinger, Movements of Persons and Populations at Middle and Late Bronze Age Alalah

12:00-12:30    Andrew Burlingame,“To the King, My Master”: Epistolary Evidence for Ugaritian Administrators and Officials Abroad

Session 5
14:00-14:30    Katrien De Graef, Susa Between Two Worlds. On the Construction, Evolution and Expression of an Elamo-Akkadian Borderland Identity

14:30-15:00    Anne Goddeeris, In Service of God and King. The status of the lu2-šud3-de3 lugal-la/kāribu in second millennium Babylonia

Wednesday, September 21
Session 6

9:30-10:00      Gaëlle Chantrain, “Like a son to me”: the household metaphor as marker of hierarchical relationships between Egyptians and foreigners in Egyptian tales

10:00-10:30    Marwan Kilani, Beyond ethnicity: Levantine foreign identities in New Kingdom official texts

10:30-11:00    Danielle Candelora,“Oh Palm Tree … Stag of the Lands:” Tree Cults, Immigration, and Religious Adaptation between the Near East and Egypt

Session 7
11:00-11:30    Federico Zangani, The City of Amarna and Its Society in a Global Historical Perspective

11:30-12:00    Ann-Kathrin Jeske, Translation of Egyptian domestic income revenue strategies into the southern Levant

12:00-12:30    Uroš Matić, All aboard? Multispecies perspective on Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern Sea and Riverine Voyages

Session 8
14:00-14:30    Aleksandra Ksiezak, Gateway into the Desert – Wadi Tumilat (Eastern Nile Delta) as a trade corridor between Egypt and the Levant via the Sinai Peninsula

14:30-15:00    Sandra Veprauskiene, Establishment of the Western Frontier: A Study of the Enactment Practices in the Middle Kingdom Dakhla Oasis

15:00-15:30    Ella Karev, The “Door to the South”: The Persistence of the Elephantine Border as an Ideological Concept

Session 9
16:00-16:30    Aaron de Souza, Material/Culture: Objects blurring the boundaries between Egyptian’ and ‘Nubian’ in zones of contact

16:30-17:00    Marie-Kristin Schröder, Migration and mobility in the Archaeological Record of the C-Group Between Egypt and Kerma

Thursday, September 22
Session 10
9:00-9:30        Ludovica Bertolini, Crossing life stages: dressing, undressing, and changing clothes as navigating through life

9:30-10:00      Adam Miglio, Integration and Alienation: The Motif of Animals’ (Im)Mobility in the Gilgamesh Epic

10:00-10:30    Aaron A. Burke, Creating Crisis: Empire and Forced Migration at the End of the Bronze Age

Session 11
11:00-11:30    Assaf Yasur-Landau, Modeling Mobility as Multi Scalar Phenomena

11:30-12:00    Felix Höflmayer – Katharina Streit, Intricate Identities: aDNA, stable isotopes, nonmetric hereditary markers and their (mis)use in archaeological discourse

12:00-12:30    Jacob C. Damm, Pottery as Practice: Multi-level Social Analyses of Egyptian-Style Ceramics in the Late Bronze Age Southern Levant

Session 12
14:00-14:30    Eliot Braun – Marcin Czarnowicz, A Colony or Something Else? Egyptians in the southern Levant at the End of the Fourth Millennium

14:30-15:00    Haskel J. Greenfield et al., Urban provisioning and mobility of animal resources in the Early Bronze Age: a view from Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel

15:00-15:30    Rouhollah Y. Zoshk et al., Mobility of People and Ideas in the Iranian Central Plateau; The Late Fourth Millennium Meymanat Abad Tepe in its regional context

15:30-16:00    Closing session

The conference is supported by the European Regional Development Fund project “Creativity and Adaptability as Conditions of the Success of Europe in an Interrelated World” (No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000734).

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