On behalf of the Institute of Comparative Linguistics and the Czech Institute of Egyptology of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, we would kindly invite colleagues to the fourth international conference Crossroads IV – Migration and Mobility in the Ancient Near East and Egypt. The event will be held from Monday September 19 (morning) to Thursday September 22 (afternoon), 2022 in the Room #P104 on the first floor of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, located at Nám. J. Palacha 2, Prague 1 (see also the practical information in pdf).
Movement from place to place in geographical or social space is one of the basic elements of human behaviour, accompanying people since the earliest times. The main objective of the conference is to enhance our understanding of processes related to migration and mobility in ancient societies of the Near East and Egypt during the period defined by the end of the Chalcolithic period and the end of the Late Bronze Age. Our aim is to approach this fascinating topic from different angles, based on the study of both written sources and material culture, using various methods and approaches. In order to obtain a well-balanced insight, we would like the topic to be treated from an archaeological, historical, iconographic, and/or philological perspective. We believe that bringing together archaeologists, philologists, historians and other experts is not only highly desirable, but also a necessity for gaining a deeper insight into the historical, social, cultural and economic aspects of migration and mobility in the respective regions and societies of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Anatolia, and the Levant at this particular moment in time.
There will be no registration fee to the event, but participants are asked to arrange and fund their own transportation and lodging. We strongly recommend not waiting until the very last moment to book a hotel room as September is still a high tourist season in Prague.
If you want to attend the conference without your own presentation, please contact us by email (cf. below).Should you have any questions regarding any aspects of the Crossroads IV conference, please, do not hesitate to contact us at the following email: jana.mynarova@ff.cuni.cz
More detailed information on the conference, including practical information and the conference programme (available from early July), can be found below:
- Practical information: Crossroads IV_practical info
- Preliminary programme (to be available in early July)